This is an editorial cartoon the likes of which I thought I would never see drawn by an American cartoonist. Nobody had the guts to call them out, until now.

If there were a Malcolm X award for cartoonists, Daniel, I'd nominate you.

Now, just try and pitch it to Rupert Murdoch, the New York Times, or the Atlantic!

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Thank you - that means a lot

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Also, no need to call out Biden, he isn’t there. Best Blinken…

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Hahah yeah lol - whenever I watch his press meetings, I always wonder how much they must be paying him, because I can’t imaging what it would take for me to spew such ugly and false lies everyday.

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Yup APAC, Bibi, Blinken et al will lead us to WWIII. Also Oct. 7 looks to be forewarned for those in the know, similar to 9/11. And guess what Bibi gets his way after both?? I’m not well studied in the book of Revelations, but sounds like a mythological character of evil to me.

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