Let me know when you find out how to unsubscribe. I’m so sick of hearing about how the other side is responsible for all of the political violence and all of the this, and all of the that. The hyperbole coming from both sides is just repulsive. The vitriol coming from the media is the only thing more insane, but we should expect more out of the politicians (thanks Donald for pushing that over the top you jackass. Every good thing you did was followed by something stupid coming out of your mouth) What is all of this talk about if you vote for the other side then you will end democracy. The people watching this crap are eating it up though, so it won’t stop. That’s why we are hearing that 80% of those poled from BOTH parties believe that the other side is actually trying to destroy the country. That tells me that either the public are playing the useful idiot role OR both sides actually are trying to destroy the country. Which is it? It has to be one or the other. Both suck. I denounce all political violence. You all should too. And who cares if Paul Pelosi is gay. I thought being gay was lauded these days by the left. Just stop making it a nightly story on the unwatchable main stream and cable news. The world has real problems. Remember, if you’re getting your news for free, you are the product

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How do I unsubscribe from these cartoons?

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I would suspect that hitting the "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the email would work...

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Crazy thing is I don't think many R's disavowed the attack. They made fun of Paul Pelosi (who was unconcious in a pool of his own blood for 3 minutes) and accused him of having a gay lover. The conspiracy theories are flying all over Fox News. Sad state of affairs.

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