Can we make "bootlicker" a proper epitaph again. Bad people seize power. Regular people look for favors from those in power despite their obvious evil. Bootlickers is how we get NAZIS!

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I hate how people conflate Israel and National Socialism.

Yes, Israel is doing horrible things in Gaza, however around 20 percent of Israelis are non-Jewish, something that would not happen in a National Socialist government.

Also, where is the condemnation against Egypt for barricading their border and refusing to give Palestinians a safe haven?

While they are not actively killing the Palestinians, they are willing accessories.

And if course we can't hold Hamas responsible for using their people as human shields. They basically said that they welcome the death as it will help turn the world against Israel. What an amazing government!

This comic, like so many, is not about helping the Palestinians, it's about rhetoric and virtue signaling.

"Look what a good guy I am! I can make popular but false accusations, just like all my friends!!"

I am growing very tired of this false equivalency.

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